Filming and Post Production
Any steps that can be taken to reduce consumption of resources and materials will save money and help the environment. The tips below are simple but very effective:
- Reduce the amount of waste by using digital cameras.
- Use digital processing and electronic transfer of sound and images to help reduce the use of tape and film.
- Wherever possible, ask for energy efficient or environmentally responsible technical and studio sound recording equipment.
- Turn off electronics when not in use.
- For electronics, all short-term productions should rent machines instead of purchasing them outright.
- Ensure that all computers have their screen saver modes turned off and the hibernation/sleep mode enabled. This will reduce energy consumption during down times.
- If anything needs to be printed, make sure to print double-sided.
- Use email, instant messaging, and text rather than printing on paper.
- Ask catering to reduce the amount of packing materials used when food is delivered. If take out is ordered, request that the restaurant not use Styrofoam packaging.
- When possible, distribute projects and demo reels on DVD with minimal packaging material.
For more details on Filming and Post Production, please read Chapter 9 of EMA's Green Seal Guidelines.
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