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STRIKE OVER -- overwhelming vote to end the 100-day walkout
February 13, 2008

The strike is over. In balloting conducted Tuesday at single sites in Beverly Hills and New York, WGA members voted overwhelmingly to end their 100-day walkout.

Guild officials said 3,775 ballots were cast in person or by proxy, with 92.5% of votes cast in favor of ending the work stoppage. A total of 3,492 cast "yes" ballots, and only 283 voted against ending the strike.

"Our membership has voted, and writers can go back to work," WGA West president Patric Verrone said at a Tuesday night news conference. "This was not a strike we wanted but one we had to conduct in order to win jurisdiction and establish appropriate residuals for writing in new media and on the Internet. Those advances now give us a foothold in the digital age.

"Rather than being shut out of the future of content creation and delivery, writers will lead the way as TV migrates to the Internet and platforms for new media are developed," he said.

WGA East president Michael Winship said, "The success of this strike is a significant achievement, not only for ourselves but the entire creative community, now and in the future."

Officials also sent members e-mails explaining their obligation to return to jobs.

The story continues at The Hollywood Reporter


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