In the Office
Any office environment should accomplish the following goals: minimize waste, make environmentally friendly purchases, move towards paperless production, and of course, recycle.
Leadership is paramount:
- Directors and actors must commit to recycling, printing scripts double-sided, receiving changes via email, and reducing their waste.
- Challenge employees to create solutions and ideas to reduce the amount of waste that is created.
- Insure recycling bins are set up next to trash bins and make sure the bins and signs for recycling are apparent.
- Send messages electronically rather than using a courier.
- All batteries should be of the rechargeable variety.
- Ink cartridges should be recycled or remanufactured.
- For larger supplies such as electronics (i.e. computers and peripherals), all short term productions should rent machines instead of purchasing them outright.
For more details on Office Operations, please read Chapter 7 of EMA's Green Seal Guidelines.
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